Life Matters More vs Mercenary True Patriot

Day 3,358, 13:46 Published in Romania North Korea by Silexu

Dear Friends,

I wanted to write a complex article after I've reached an interesting milestone with my Globe Trotter project: 50 countries (Mercenary) each with a 100 Mil. damage (True Patriot).

Instead of that I would like to thank God, Allah, Buddha or whoever is there that my little princess is 100% healthy with me.

This morning I had a level up and fought for a Sky Medal. Today, after the incident, I fought, mindless, for another one.

What is the point?

This morning we went to our close Ski resort for a nice day. We had a very nice first hour and we made a break after that. Then we skied a slope that we did several times, and my beloved daughter pick the wrong spot and wrong speed and fall heavily on her back. Keeping in mind that 30 years ago I gave up my spleen on a similar situation I was scared enough to call the mountain Ambulance and we went to the Hospital. Happily the radiology revealed no problems and she is sleeping healthy now.

I will maybe come back tomorrow with more willingness to play this game, but I just want to tell you that

Life Matters More!

All the best,