IRC command list

Day 1,341, 15:01 Published in New Zealand Serbia by DaRkO 206

Here's an article with FAQ and available commands list.

To request the bot (must be founder) type: /msg eRepublik request #yourchannel
To remove the bot (must be founder) type: /msg eRepublik remove #yourchannel


- There is no .fightcalc command!
We are working on a command to calculate possible damage range in a fight

- Can the bot show eRepublik news (like fishbot did)?
We will probably add that as an optional feature in a future release

- There is no command to show info on a battle
Unfortunately, API doesn't show "interesting" data about battles like how many units deployed or percent of territory owned by each side...

- The bot says I fought 0 times, why?
Bad API data. We hope it will be fixed soon

will add more questions/answers later

Available commands:

Type .help erepublik to see a list of the commands.

.regnick, .regcit, .register_citizen
Links a citizen on erep to your IRC nick

.regnick martin sileno
martin-: registered eRepublik citizen Martin Sileno

.regcom, .register_company
Links a company on erep to your IRC nick

.regcom 196526
martin-: registered eRepublik company Ka-Tet guns

.lp, .lookup
Looks up a citizen info

.lp martin sileno
:: Martin Sileno [477471] :: Wellness 85.3 :: Happiness 86.6 :: Rank Field Marshal* (11594/15000 dmg - 0 fights) :: Level 26 (7159 XP) :: Age 781 days :: Location Tuscany, Italy :: Citizenship Croatia :: Best skills Technician Guru**, Air unit Veteran* ::

.wsk, .working_skills, .wskills
Detailed list of a citizen's working skills

.wsk martin sileno
:: Martin Sileno's working skills :: Technician Guru** [11] - 172774 pts :: Harvester Assistant [2] - 55 pts ::

.msk, .military_skills, .mskills
Detailed list of a citizen's military skills

.wsk zakuro
:: zakuro's military skills :: Air unit Veteran* [11] - 578988 pts ::

Link to a citizen/organization

.link fishbot
:: fishbot's profile :: ::

Donation page for a citizen/organization

.donate zakuro
:: zakuro's donation page :: ::

List of a citizen's medals

.medals jozo13
:: jozo13's 31 medals :: 8x Super Trooper :: 15x Hard Worker :: 8x Hero ::

.prod, .productivity
Calculates productivity points and units produced by a citizen

.prod martin sileno
:: Martin Sileno (Technician Guru**, 100.0 wellness, 98.6 happiness, working for 1 hour) :: Employed at Russian Army Air Unit's [241189] (Q5 Air Unit, 10 employees) :: Productivity 72 units, 0.08 Ammunition produced ::

Note: you can change the number of hours, wellness, happiness using command options. Use -H number_of_hours, -w different_wellness, -h different_happiness

.cp, .company
Looks up a company (requires company id)

.cp 196526
:: Ka-Tet guns [196526] :: Q5 Tank :: 56/100 Attack, 80/100 Defense, 24/100 Durability, 12.6/14 Damage :: Employees 0 :: Location Vidzeme, Latvia :: Stock: 29 products :: Raw materials 878.87 Iron :: Licenses 9 ::

.bp, .bestprice, .market
Shows the best offer on the market for a product

.market grain italy
:: Best offer for Grain in Italy :: Price 0.02ITL (0.00036G), 1269 available ::

.market air-unit ru 100 40 10 10
:: Best offer for 100/100 Attack, 40/100 Defense, 10/100 Durability, 10/10 Damage Air Unit in Russia :: Customization 100 Attack, 40 Defense, 10 Durability, 10 Damage. Price 314.0RUB (7.85000G), 10 available ::

.market ticket russia 3 3 3
:: Best offer for 3/10 Wellness, 3/10 Happiness, 3/5 Moving Distance Moving Tickets in Russia :: Customization 3 Wellness, 3 Happiness, 3 Moving Distance. Price 23.0RUB (0.57500G), 19 available ::

Note: price does not include taxes (no info about taxes anywhere in erep API)

Info on a region

.region podolia
:: Podolia, Romania [136] :: Population 885 :: Resources Medium Grain, High Iron :: Constructions 3x hospitals 1x defense system :: Cost to attack/RW 271.25 Gold ::

.region liao
:: Liaoning, Serbia [375] :: Population 9672 :: Resources Medium Stone, Medium Grain, High Iron :: Constructions 1x hospital 1x defense system :: Cost to attack/RW 2468 Gold ::

Border list for a region

.borders podolia
:: Borders of Podolia, Romania :: Ukraine: Polisia, Bukovina, Galicia and Lodomeria, Bassarabia, Zaporozhia, Dnipro, Volhynia :: Romania: Northern Basarabia, Transnistria ::

Info on a country
Temporarily broken

MPP list for a country

.mpp romania
:: Romania :: 11 MPPs :: Spain 12/08 :: Greece 16/08 :: Canada 14/08 :: Finland 10/08 :: China 13/08 :: Australia 17/08 :: USA 31/08 :: Poland 27/08 :: Croatia 16/09 :: Bolivia 31/08 :: Sweden 30/08 ::

Exchange rates for a currency

.currency itl
:: ITL :: Buy rate 0.017 :: Sell rate 63.973 :: Spread 8.75% ::

Convert from currency to gold

.value 828284 itl
:: Value of 828284 ITL in GOLD :: Selling ITL 14080.82800 [rate 0.017] :: Buying GOLD 12947.39968 [rate 63.973] ::

.value 12 gold rub
:: Value of 12 GOLD in RUB :: Selling GOLD 504.00000 [rate 42.000] :: Buying RUB 500.00000 [rate 0.024] ::