infin's Cabinet

Day 1,445, 13:53 Published in Australia Australia by infin

Fellows Aussies,

My Cabinet for November if elected is as follows:

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mark Brennan
Minister of Finance: ronnyjnrjnr
Minister of Defence: Lord Ferrum
Minister of Education: Styvesant
Minister of Immigration: Adam Beck

All my cabinet members are long term members of eRep with demonstrated commitment to the Australian community, and they don't afraid of anything.

Everyone knows what they get will with me if I am voted Prime Minister:
- no-nonsense - I will be organised with daily battle orders and MPPs, and I wont go missing in action half-way through the term;
- consistency - having worked for this country day in and day out for the last 2+ years, I have proven I can be relied upon;
- experience - I have personally been a Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry and Minister of Foreign Affairs;
- good solid ANP policies - more individual choice and a balanced budget.

I won't deny Australia is in for one helluva time given we are constantly under attack from both Indonesia and New Serbia (NZ) but both parties have shown themselves to be honourless dogs and so the battle must rage on.

Australia must be the stone in their shoe - we must cause them difficulty and grief everywhere they turn. We cannot allow our neighbours to achieve their imperialistic goals easily.

I ask for your support come daychange and let's have fun this month!
