Hi, Slovakia!

Day 3,351, 12:57 Published in Slovakia North Korea by Silexu
Dobrý Deň Slovensko!

I would like to thank Swoosh, my good friend, who invited me to Slovakia. Also I would like to thank paradoxx who accepted my two requests: friendship and citizenship.

Slovakia is the 50th country I am visiting in my Globe Trotter project. Unlike countries I just visited, like Croatia and Serbia, I am expecting that the local players community is not very big.

Still I have big hopes that at least there are few local players still playing. If this is the case I would love to get in touch with them and, together, reveal the beauty of Slovakia to the world.

Or maybe you are not a Slovakian player but you know the country's hidden gems. In either cases please give me some hints where to look for some beautiful places like the ones bellow.

Maybe we can organize a picture contest like the ones I've did in the others countries. If interested just post a comment and I will add more details.

Bojnice Castle

A few yellow homes in the rural village of Vlkolinec, Slovakia - a UNESCO World

Hi, Slovakia!