Hi, Mexico!

Day 3,331, 14:51 Published in Mexico North Korea by Silexu
Hola Mexico!

It took not too much until Evans convinced me to come to Mexico. Many thanks to him for his persuasion and support for getting citizenship. I will have to apologies my article is not written in Spanish language, I have limited knowledge about it.

My final purpose of my trip to Mexico is to publish an article with images that depict the beauty of the country. In general my only source of inspiration are the pictures published on different articles in the Internet. That may be interesting for people outside the country, but they are usually easy to be found. The challenge is to find local people eager to share hidden gems of their country. I am again in a country with a lot of beautiful places and I will most probably have a hard time to choose what to publish. Thus if you have some interesting pictures about some not so famous but beautiful places, just let me know.

Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral

I had a series of picture contest articles but I have the feeling I am pulling too hard the players to propose pictures. Still if you know them and want to participate I can organize one for Mexico. If not interested in a couple of days I will write the Globe Trotter article.

Globe Trotter Itinerary

I have invitations for following countries. I will apply to them as soon as I am finishing with the previous one. If you want me to come to your country and think you can support me in getting CS please send me a message and I will add your country to the list.

I have also promises for support in getting CS for next countries. As I mentioned before, if I will receive a direct invitation, that will mean more interest for the project, so I will add/move the country to the previous list.

Hi, Mexico!