eAustralia needs a CP who cares to fight

Day 1,501, 18:49 Published in Greece Australia by infin

It used to be OK to disagree and have an all out argument over the direction of eAustralia. That's what I used to enjoy about our country, our robust debate and combative spirit of politics.

But now it is all about consensus, and let's agree fore the sake of eAustralia. Why is it imperative to agree? Worse decisions are made whenever everyone agrees because a) the policy will most likely be watered down with compromises and b) its logic will not have been fully tested through adversarial challenge.

And the latest extension of the PLEASE DO NOT DISAGREE disease that is cutting our country apart limb by limb is Wally's Wilson's Rage Quit from the CP race. Wally decided to pop his head up for another CP medal on his mantel but the minute he found some resistance, and saw comments that didn't resemble OMG WW 4 CP, he deleted all articles and quit the race. Guess Wally didn't really want the medal after all when he realised there may be some opposition to his appeasing policies. Wally fled at the first sign of resistance.

We need a CP candidate who is prepared to fight Indo every day, side by side with other countries who hate Indo as much as we do. When eAustralia mentally prepares herself as a country for this struggle then I will be there.