eAustralia, an exclusive little club

Day 1,594, 20:00 Published in Australia Australia by infin

In real life, Australia is an open, egalitarian society. Anyone can make it. With enough hard work and commitment you can achieve your dreams, and your services to the nation are recognised.

However, this is not the case in eAustralia. eAustralia is run by an exclusive establishment of self-appointed individuals who decide whether Aussies are worthy of recognition or not.

If you are a fringe dweller, or do not conform with the establishment's expectations then regardless of how hard you work, you will not be recognised. The establishment don't like it when eAussies challenge orthodoxy.

Specifically this relates to the exclusive Order of Australia Club. Did you know that the single most complex and convoluted piece of legislation in eAustralia doesn't relate to taxation or the military - it is the Order of Australia Act? there are very detailed rules for no[mination, but not all nominations are accepted. The Secretary-general, Xavier Griffith, has struck out as Spam or Off-Topic many nominations made during the most recent nomination process.

The Awards process is not open to all Aussies - only those that the Club deems worthy of even beginning the qualification process. Most of the nominations relate to the same recipients promoting themselves over and over again to higher level of e-fame.

There are many Aussies that are part of our community, every day participating in community interactions in the game, on forums or in IRC running their own MUs, helping newbs, fighting in Australia's defence. But none of that really qualifies in the eyes of the club. Ordinary Aussies are made to feel particularly unwelcome. And don't speak up or you will simply get your comments deleted. Unless you are one of the club your input is not needed.

My best advice to average Aussies is to let the Order of Australia carry on with their important business, and let them enjoy their awards. Everyone else, well we will keep on investing in our country, keeping our borders safe. The Order of Australia club members meanwhile will keep assuring each other they did it all on their own.