CertaCito - UKRP Candidadte for Northern Ireland - July 2009

Day 612, 06:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Here we are again - preparing to get out on the streets to carry out what has now become a familiar routine of canvassing in preparation for the July 09 Congressional elections.

Looking back on the last busy and exciting month, I think that we can rank it as one of the more interesting periods in the period that I have been a member of the eUK Government. The decisions to initiate a training war with Hungary (involving handing over the startegic region of Scotland) together with the change of allegience to become a member of the PEACE alliance have led to fierce debate in the HoC and huge amounts of traffic (sometimes vitriolic) both nationally and internationally.

Significantly, as a result of the onset of 'World War 3' te citizens of eUK have become exposed to more combat than possibly the previous six months put together. Unlike in Real Life (where war is a bad bad thing) to opportunity to fight within Erepublik is an extremely good thing for a individuals to participate in. Each combat participated in will increase experience by two points, threby unlocking functionality and capability. As total damage score accrues, individuals gain military rank - and increased rank leads to increases in military capability. Also (and most importantly), combat unlocked access to hospitals where in an instant a soldier can access a massive boost (50 health points here in N. Ireland) to their health. Used wisely this feature can be used to boost the national health,which in turn is directly linked to productivity and industrial output!

So - in order to keep the UK growing and operating at peak efficiency it is necessary to offer citizens a constant stream of opportunities to fight. Note that I say ALL citizens here - setting up conflicts in which a small number of eUK's finest elite troops fight abroad is certinly good for them and possibly the nation in international political form, but for maximum benefit, we should aim to get the ENTIRE population fighting wherever possible.

So, my focus in the House of Commons over the next period will be to do everything I can to facilitate 'Fighting for the Masses! This of course will have to be carefully managed in order to maintain our political status and alliances as best we can and whilst keeping the eUKs industry and commerce working efficiently. All of this is a complex task and one that requires a certain amount of knowledge and experience. It is in this capacity as an old and experienced individual that I submit myself as congressional candidate for the coming July/August term. If elected this will be my 18th successive term in Government without a break. I believe that this is both a national and a world record and is an achievement of which I am very proud. I think that my track record proves that I am probably about the least likely candidate in the elections to 'take the money and run' without completing my parliamentary duties!

On the personal side, I am currently Company Commander of C Company, Royal Guard and Quartermaster. In game I hold the rank of General (with a combat strength of 18.9, having completed 351 Fights and inflicted a total damage: 48284 / 75000). As a career eUK politician, my entire military career has be served here in eUK - members of Parliament are not allowed to leave eUK territory without resigning their seat. I am hoping to gain my first 'Hero' medal today in the resistance war in Newfoundland.

In 'Real Life' I maintain a busy schedule which constrains the amount of time that can expend on Erepublik - this is the main reason that I have not sought to fill any major posts within the Government - I prefer to take on commitments that I know that I can honour without letting people down. Also, it is clear that family and business commiments will always take priority over a game if there is conflict. Most of my daily routine 'in game' is carried out whilst travelling and in short periods of 'down time'. I am writing this piece in the very erly hours of the morning from a hotel room in Montana USA, where I am engeged in RL business activities. I shall be returning to RL UK over the weekend (over 24 hrs travel door to door) and so wil be making good use of airport WiFi in the stopovers!

In summary, if you wish to see a seasoned and experienced individual back in the House of Commons next month as one of elected representatives of the Province of Northern Ireland, then VOTE CERTACITO!