CertaCito for Congress - Yorkshire and Humberside - 25th July 2010

Day 976, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Greetng citizens of Yorkshire & Humberside,

Ths month I am standing as the UKRP candidate for Congress in Y&H for the July/August 2010 term. The purpose of this note is to tell you why I think I deserve your vote.

Previous Experience
I guess that I could be described as a 'Seasoned' Congressional candidate; I have successfully represented the electorate in Congress for a record total of 26 terms. Normally I stand for election in my home constituency of Northern Ireland, but as this territory is currently under foreign occupation I have been directed by my Party to stand as the Y&H representative this term. I am looking to add a 27th term of office (my first representing Y&H) to this number in July 2010.

I was one of the original founder members of the UKRP and have remained active and loyal throughout my long lifetime within Erepublik. Of all the Parties within the eUK, I firmly believe that the UKRP have the friendliest and most inclusive ethos, together with a sensible and well thought out set of policies.

Once again I have decided to base my campaign around the FOUR CertaCito promises. If elected to Congress:

1. I will remain active and participate in all Congressional debates and votes.

2. I will serve a full term of office without resigning.

3. I will remain honest, dutiful and sensible thoughout my term.

4. I will serve the interests of the citizens of Yorkshire & Humberside and the eUK to the best of my abilty.

For a member of Congress with experience that is second to none, vote CertaCito on 25th June 2010!


The UKRP vote on Policy as a Party, and support each other as we all have input into what we support and feel. Our policies are widely available on the Erepublik Wiki and can be freely viewed by all. We also maintain a lively Party discussion Forum at - please feel free to come and join us.


In summary, as a very experienced, (possibly the most experienced Congressman in eUK and possibly the eWorld), I think that I am a solid and reliable candidate for Congress this month. I will work hard to do what we need to in Commons, and will continue to loyally represent the desire of the UK electorate in an honest and trustworthy nature - just as I have done in many previous terms of office.

