CertaCito - Congressional Candidate for LONDON - May 2010

Day 915, 00:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

This term I am, in accordance with my Party instructions, standing for election to Congress in a seat in LONDON.

For those who may not know who I am - I am now the longest serving member af Congress in eUK (and the New World) - if elected into Congress I shall be starting my 26th term of duty as an elected member of Parliament.

From this a number of my personal characteristics become apparent:

- I have a considerable amount of stamina and staying power
- I care deeply about what I do as an elected representative of the electorate
- I am loyal and consistent
- I have a HUGE amount of experience in the sometimes complex and confusing duties of a eUK MP

So - if you want to put your vote to good use electing a London Congressman who is guaranteed to carry out his duties efficiently and with dedicatin, then vote for me on the 25th!


Stamina, Experience, Integrity