ANPMAXXXXXX - Run for ANP in Senate

Day 1,701, 01:13 Published in Australia Australia by infin

The Australian National Party (ANP) is Australia's oldest and most successful party. We are an Australian institution boasting such elders as sir_c0nstant (ex Prime Minister), discrate/DocterDry/DocterDry2 (party founder, recent winner of eAustralian Troll of the Year), myself (mega tank, ex-Minister of Finance and 19 x senator) and Savonrepus (mega tank).

We have seen Australia through many times of controversy and conflict always with a steady hand and a voice representing those who despise the scourge of Socialism and Big Government.

Alimilano, our current Party President, has now called for expressions of interest for candidates to join our Senate team, and to join our community! We are active on both the eAustralian forums and on irc #anp . if you are interested in running for the ANP, join our party, nominate in-game then drop Alimilano a message so he can tell you what to do. Drop into our IRC channel and say g'day.

Join a team of freedom lovers who also offer a community of friendship. We have helped many newbs into Australia and into politics. We can help to know the ropes around Australia. Aussies are a friendly bunch so welcome aboard!

(Indonesian boat people are excluded from this message.)


Senator for Queensland