25th March 2010 - CertaCito for Congress in Northern Ireland

Day 848, 23:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

It is great to be back home in Belfast after an enforced 'holiday' away caused by the temporary occupation by foreign powers of our sovereign territory. It is also with a certain amount of satisfaction that I announce my intent to stand as UKRP candidate for the Province of Northern Ireland in the Congresional Elections that will take place on 25th March 2010.

I believe that most people know me by now - but for those who do not, here is a short recap:

- I have been around in eUK since 03.12.2007 (Day 13 of Erepublik)

- I have served in Congress for 25 mandates and have 16 Congressional medals (Note: medals were only introduced ito the game with V1.0, hence the difference in numbers).

- I am currently the senior citizen in eUK - http://www.erepublik.com/en/rankings/citizens/country/1/29

- I have fought consistently for eUK in just about every battle that has ever been fought (over 1300 battles) and have inflicted over 300 000 points of damage - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3159

- My battle record stretches back into the beginig of time and speks for itself - http://ereptools.net/battles/playerFights/id/3159

- Whilst others have chosen to wander off around the world following fame and fortune, I have chosen to faithfully remain serving within the eUK.

- I was one of the original founder members of the UKRP and have remained loyal as a party member/congressman since January 2008.

- I am active in game, on IRC ad on the eUK Forums.

For further background, please scan my previous manifesto history below.

In terms of policies for the March/April 2010 term, my focus is going to be on the following areas:

- Managing the transition to V2.0 of the game - which will itroduce massive changes to the way that the game is played.

- Building and maintaining a sense of national cohesion - in order to suceed we MUST work together as a team and not as a bunch of individuals.

- Ensuring that Government decisions are in the best interests of the eUK and the citizens of Northern Ireland.

- Support economc stimulation and growth to get us out of the post-war depression that we are currently experiencing

I believe that my track record demonstrates a certain amount of tenacity, reliability, experience and a sense of duty - and as such make me well qualified to serve as one of the elected representatives for the Provice in the House of Commons for next Term.

So, irrespective of your party affiliations, please consider casting your vote on 25th March for the 'Old Man' of Northern Ireland - CertaCito, your candidate for Congress!