[ORION] Weekly Damage Report

Day 3,410, 07:12 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. South America is still on fire (or shall we say "still in darkness 😉 " ? ) , with Lithuania continuing to be involved directly in this bloody campaign. On the other front, Estonia recently became our full member, and therefore their damage needs to be examined. And that's exactly where ORION Weekly Damage Report will do its job.

The first pie chart shows the total damage done by all ORION countries for Tanks and for Aircraft. On the ground, our damage dropped by 30 milliards. Lithuania is still winning, with France improving their damage and solidifying their second place. Canada is still ding quite well on third place, and UK is holding 7% of damage similar to last week. In the Air, our damage dropped slightly less. France is still first, Lithuania second, but Canada and United Kingdom are now in a battle for the third place there (with Canada winning at the moment).


The second graph compares average damage per citizen for each country in Tank and Aircraft categories, in comparison with ORION total average. In Tanks category, Lithuania is doing amazing job. Estonia managed to climb onto second place, leaving Canada on third. France is also contesting these positions, with Cuba falling slightly behind. In Air category, the results are more even. Canada managed to get closer to first Lithuania, while France managed to beat Estonia this week.


The next picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division and TOP20 ORION pilots. Lithuania is the only country having representatives in all four divisions, with France and Cuba also doing well in most divisions. Estonia managed to get top player in D2, and iPSiArt's and AlexMCS182's damage is also worth a big mention. In Air, French pilot got the first place, surrounded by bunch of Canadians. Estonia, Netherlands and Cuba have not been able to get their pilots to the list this week.



That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know.

Janty F