[ORION-SG] The Secretary-General addresses the world

Day 3,341, 13:32 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ

Dear Heads-of-State, Ministers, HQ-members and friends,

This week has been a historic month. Following a unanimous vote within our alliance, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were granted full-membership status in ORION. On behalf of the alliance, I welcome our new brothers and sisters from the other side of the Channel. A new flag has been raised outside our HQ-building, and ORION has become bigger and stronger yet again. While in real life, the UK is working to leave an alliance, here the UK Government has done everything to try to enter one. And now they have finally succeeded. Welcome again!
It will be a busy month, as the UK is currently occupied by hostile forces and needs to be liberated as soon as possible. Before I get down to business, let me first introduce you to this month's headquarter-team:

Let the strengthening of our alliance be a warning to all of our enemies. In the past months, some of our member-states have been attacked and occupied by Mexico and Argentina. Now the UK is occupied by the US, Finland and Ireland. I refuse to surrender to any kind of hostility. We are ORION and we shall overcome. The UK have helped us to defeat Argentina, by using the scorched earth tactic. That is without any doubt the greatest sacrifice I've ever seen. Now we shall repay them, by launching Operation Island Bridge. The details of this operation are ofcourse to remain classified and resticted to governments only. The enemies have their last chance to voluntarily retreat, or else they will regret the day that they put ORION to the sword.
Thank you. May God bless you. And may God continue to bless this mighty brotherhood.

Henri the Eleventh