[MoFA of Belarus] New government & other stuff

Day 1,178, 09:39 Published in Slovakia Belarus by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BY

Greetings to all citizens of Czechoslovakia!

Our new country president is: Nik Amerman

And this is new list of our ministres:

Prime Minister: Arschmann
Foreign Minister: Viktor A. Yushchenko, Hyena Black (Deputy Minister)
Defense Minister: toeofdoom
The Minister of Economy and Finance: Avers II
The Minister of Information and Press: Lanckaron
The Minister of Demography: St. Russian
The Minister of Culture: Eugen Chen

Also I want to tell you about Belarusian Foreign Force(BFF). This military group is initiative of party United Belarus (party of foreigners that supports Belarus, most of them are polish) and is fighting according to MoD orders. In case of emergency BFF will receive supply from MoD.

Temporary squad`s avatar

If you are interested in joining BFF, please Fill out an application and contact BFF leader - Kaburagi[PL/ENG].

If you already are member of other military group, you can join BFF withoit leaving your old squad.

Also, I know that many supporters of Slavic Union live in Czechoslovakia. I want to invite all supporters of SU to Belarus. I have 2 reasons:

1) Belarus is one of youngest countries in eRepublik and weakenest slavic country in the game.
2) Belarus is 100% slavic country. You don`t believe? I have confirmation:

Typical belarusian national dress

Draniki(pol. Placki) - traditional belarusian food

We celebrate slavic holidays, like Kupala Day

If you will like Belarus, later you will receive belarusian citizenship.
Long live Slavic Union! We wait you in Belarus!

Best wishes, Hyena Black, ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Czechoslovakia and deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.