[MoFA of Belarus] New government and other stuff

Day 1,179, 10:22 Published in Bulgaria Belarus by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BY

Hello Bulgarian friends. I apologize that I did not write for a long time, Belarus had a lot of cases.

I decided to tell you about what happened in Belarus in recent weeks.

To begin the election. Presidential election won President: Nik Amerman by a small margin of his opponent. His election program was the creation of communes and the baby boom.

List of Cabinet:
Prime Minister: Arschmann
Foreign Minister: Viktor A. Yushchenko, Hyena Black (Deputy Minister)
Defense Minister: toeofdoom
The Minister of Economy and Finance: Avers II
The Minister of Information and Press: Lanckaron
The Minister of Demography: St. Russian
The Minister of Culture: Eugen Chen

New president has begun working with the Poles who had previously considered the PTO team and now in Belarus is a foreign regiment "Belarusian Foreign Force". Also, the president began the construction of the commune system, thanks to the price of bread began to decline, although some business owners are disappointed.

In this article tells about the strange cases that occurred near the Belarus, among whom was suspected that the Swedes wanted to attack on Belarus.

President of Belarus wanted to extend the alliance with Bulgaria, but he was Refused by agreement of both parties, and now Belarus in search of someone to conclude by MPP, but not to spoil relations with its neighbors.

Best wishes, Track13, ambassador of the Republic of Belarus