[GOV] Update on Happenings

Day 786, 03:52 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

First of all, all Congress members, please vote yes the the MPP proposal with Thailand.

Next, for those of you don't know, eAustralia will be organizing the eOlympics. The government encourages everyone to join, whether you are a newbie or a long time player, everybody can get a chance to take part in this event.

You can find the eOlympic website here.

You can find the forum discussion on the eOlympics here. If you haven't signed up, now is a good time to.

You will need to use your erepublik account to gain access into the website but the government assures you not to worry. Your password is safe with them. : ) Enjoy the range of games that they have to offer and if you think you're good enough, represent eMalaysia for chances to win prizes and bring our nation glory and fame!

Yours Truly,
