[GOV] Presidential Update After Week 1

Day 875, 01:03 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Dear eMalaysians,

I will keep this brief. It has been 4days since the cabinet/govt is announced and a week since i got elected. Some excellent preliminary progress have been made, while some departments are still sleeping. Allow me to present to you some of the on-going progress:

Prime Minister's Department
Everything is going on smoothly from my point of view. I am still chasing up some government departments to make sure everyone is playing their role. Admittedly, RL commitments have limited our progress and the role out of some of the bigger programme/goals including the military reforms. All congressmen should add the Congress Whip - Bryce S as friend today. I am suprised at the lack of debate/proposal so far this term. We should at some stage use some of the proposals for XP - with proper voting instruction. We have all seen how a disciplined congress could determine the fate of a nation (i m talking about eIndonesia-eAustralia congress decisions on the peace deal).

Department of Interior Affairs
Much progress have been made in the Ministry of Social Welfare. For the first time, we are implementing budgeting and accounting for the gifting/welfare programme - thanks to the good effort of Maruko81 and lolalipop. Newbies are being contacted at a more consistent rate. Many thanks to the duo. If anyone is interested to be a social worker, please contact the Social Office today. Please contact them if you need help in recovering the wellness too.

The ministry of education and communication are currently in dormant - no thanks to some RL business of my fellow ministers. Rest assured, the planned programmes will still be pushed through at some stage to hit our goals for the month.

The Director of Recruitment - Jonny has made significant plan to recruit a new batch of babies for our country. Details of the plans and how you could help towards this effort will be released soon.

Department of Military And Security Affairs
As i have mentioned in the last article, i personally felt that the military organisation needs to be worked on - and it requires HARD WORK and TIME of all involved. The top leaders of the military org currently are in discussion on how to move forward on this. The Supreme Commander has issued a recruitment for an elite squadron here. Similarly, Tuah Squadron is looking to revamp itself and adding some new active members Irc/pm activity is a must for both squads. My MoD- ww88 is currently preparing the report on this for me. More update when i have them.

Department of Foreign Affairs
Some progress have been made in the Foreign Affairs scene, in particularly in touching base with the new governments around the world, and sealing the Peace deal with eIndonesia for the return of Sarawak. The ministry of Foreign affairs required a lot of people (ambassadors) to go 'stalk' the media/govt/forum/irc of various countries - and be the middle person betweeen eMalaysia govt and those government. My MoFA - nicholas2000 is currently preparing the report on this for me. More update when i have them.

Nicholas2000 is to be elected the chairman of Sol alliance for the month. 🙂 Hope he can work hard to bring some activity back to Sol alliance, which in my opinion, struggled a little after a diverging administration few months ago and the withdrawal of eAustralia and destruction of eSA.

ps: I am still looking for a Director of Migration. Anyone will good prose/writing skill with some flair for marketing - please Pm Carr de Vaux. (<< that s me).

==Minor good news==
a former PTO is dead

==Other random news opn Training Wars==
The training war is stopped for a day (monday) in order to shift the starting time back to 1200+. The Training wars will run from 1200 to 1200 every two days. E.g. Tuesday 1200 - battle starts, Wednesday 1200 - battle ends. Thursday 1200 - battle starts, Friday 1200 - battle ends. As always, fight as late as possible - and watch out for any official military orders.

Carr de Vaux
eMalaysia President