[GOV] Counter-PTO - all citizens MUST read

Day 827, 00:45 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

As you already might know a group of serbians is trying to take over eMalaysia. They have their own party and are fairly organised. The government and a number of prominent citizens have been working hard on preventing this and we're on good way. Now we need the help of our citizens. This is an official order to all citizens.


Every citizen not running for congress must join The centralist partisanship party in order to prevent this PTO. If you have any friends playing the game make sure they also follow orders. This is vital for the future of eMalaysia.
By pushing the PTOer party out of the top 5 they will not be able to run for congress tomorrow. The only way to do this is to up the numbers in another party.

JOIN THIS PARTY: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/centralist-partisanship-party-139/1