[Gov] Cabinet for February

Day 810, 12:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

The government is busy with several issues at the moment so I will make this short.
The eMalaysian cbinet for february is as follows:

Prime Minister: nevvven

Deputy Prime Minister: ExoM7

Ministers of Foreign Affairs: nicholas2000 and Niittimies
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: amillin

Minister of Defence: ExoM7
Deputy Minister of Defence: pantherthug89

Minister of Finance: Vacant
The position will be filled by Nagyzee until a replacement comes in. If you are interested in the job and think you can handle it send a PM to me.

Minister of Social Affairs and Education: Hiyamoon (Andreey was dropped because of stealing)
Deputy Minister of Social Affairs and Education: Wan Muhammad Hasif
Another deputy position reamins vacant.

Minister of Immigration: Spykerman
Deputy minister of Immigration: isildur88

Minister of Information and Communication: Darrenj93
Deputy Minister of Information and Communication: Jonny Tan

Minister of International and Internal Comedic Affairs: Da Boss
eMalaysia needs to lighten up. This is the man to help you.

Additionally the eDBP and the nanny team will continue in their current set up.

Apart from the positions of MoFA and MoF, all understudy postions also remain to be filled. If you're an active citizen and interested in helping the government out, send me a PM.

Yours truly