[day 3550] 최근 업데이트 사항 + 보안 주의점

Day 3,551, 17:13 Published in South Korea South Korea by trisoul

1. 플라토 파운데이션 프로젝트란걸 시작한답니다.
간단히 말하자면, 이리퍼블릭의 커뮤니티를 활성화하기 위한 제안을 해서 채택되면 최대 500골드의 지원금을 준답니다. (해당 제안을 직접 실행해야 합니다.) 
대강 지역별 사진 콘테스트, 혹은 각국 CP 사진들 모아 게시하는놈들을 생각하시면 될거같아요.

그리고 이리퍼블릭 페이지 자체의 편의사항 (주로 쓰는 스크립트들..?)을 직접 시스템에 포함하려는 것 같은데, 이에 자원하면 최대 월간 1000골드의 지원금을 준다고 합니다. 

상세 내역은 포럼 페이지; https://forum.erepublik.com/index.php?/topic/5354-introducing-platos-foundation/ 를 참조해주세요

Dear Citizens, 

We are happy to announce the official launch of the Plato Foundation Project! 

Starting today you can submit your projects on the dedicated Discord channel. The first recipients of sponsorships and grants will be announced on Tuesday, August 18th (Day 3,556), with lists coming out weekly for the duration of the Project.

You can revisit the rules and requirements for projects on the eRepublik Forum, keeping in mind that they might still be altered in the future to better fit the Foundation’s goals. This being said, you can share any other inquiries or suggestions in the same place.

2. 보안 주의점. 뭔가 서버가 털린 느낌입니다.
비번 한번씩 바꾸세요.

Account security

On another note, we want to remind you about the importance of having a secure password for your eRepublik account. Due to recent concerns, we strongly advise you to update your password. 

Sharing the same password on various services makes your accounts vulnerable to credential stuffing attacks.

You can check if your email was part of a security breach here.
You can read about credential stuffing attacks here.

To create a new password please use the Forgot Password link on the login page or you can do it from here.

*Please note that Changing password is not available when logging in with Facebook.