[Congress] Speaker's Mid-term(ish) Report

Day 2,763, 11:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

It’s a little bit belated, but I have managed to get another article out finally. I’m going to cover a lot of what’s been going on in Congress, as well as a general roundup of which congress members have been active, who’s inactive and highlight a couple of star performers in my opinion. I’ll also give a general overview of how the new Citizenship and Trusted Person systems are working in my view, and talk a little of how we should move congress forward, looking forward to the rest of this term.

So, first of all a roundup of all votes undertaken by congress so far this month:

You’ll notice that King Will’s Dictatorship Reform Bill was soundly defeated at final vote, despite several fradulent votes being cast on the bill. 4 Congress members and the Dictator were all impersonated on the vote form, all of the votes being registered as Aye’s before it was corrected. When all votes were personally confirmed in game by the congress member, the final tally was a decisive rejection. Following this, I instituted a system where each congress member has a six digit unique ID code, which they input for their vote to considered valid. This should prevent any more cases of fraud in the future.

We have had several people selected by Congress to act as trusted persons’; from those WookieO and Scarfar have been chosen by the CP to each hold 100,000cc of public money for safekeeping, as per the Stop UK Treasury Theft Act

Before I go on to the next section can i remind everyone of the existence of the Congress Spreadsheet, it contains an ever expanding amount of information, which is particularly useful if you want to keep track of CS or Trusted Person goings on, the link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UYq2s2_EBjJl5im5zAtQfhnCllTzuTtmjByc8ZT3tlE/edit#gid=0

Congress’ CS committee has been in action processing applicants to the eUK. I have been pleased that I’ve been able to be a passive observer with all of the work being done without my input. I do have to highlight the sterling work Pannonian Nomad has been doing in writing up a report on each applicant for congress to look at before they cast their vote, which has been invaluable in communicating between the committee and the full house. My hope is that the other members of the committee will get more involved over the rest of this term, I’ve noticed in the last week or so that chatter has decreased in the PM with Pannonian doing a large proportion of the work with contacting the applicants himself. Hopefully we can work to rectify this and share the burden around all 5 members.

So far the committee has recommended 4 applicants for acceptance, and 3 of these (LS HQ, Yakuza Power, Julkiz) have been accepted by the whole of congress, with one denial (HarliQuinn). HarliQuinn has re-applied since her vote was tied, and congress should be re-voting in the next few days. Unfourtunately, Yakuza Power’s application was withdrawn whilst congress were voting and he applied then in Japan, so he has not been accepted.

As a former eUK citizen, Master of Brutality has been added to the Whitelist by Congress, which means that he in future will be able to enter the eUK without going through the regular procedures.

As promised, a breakdown of who has been active in congress this term, and who has been snoozing on the back benches. I will go by party to break it up a little.

Please note the ‘activity score’ listed is my own opinion, and is based solely on activity in the congress PMs and on congress IRC, nothing else. A 5 is what I could consider an average congress member should be doing. Also bear in mind this is an experimental format and they way in which activity is measured could well be changed for future articles.

TUP are the largest party in congress with 10 members, and several of their members have been actively contributing in Congress. Rathena, Dougal, Karacticus and Aultman have all been active contributors, with Aultman serving on the CS committee, and the former three all attending the only congress IRC meeting. However their average score is dragged down by a few exceptionally inactive congress members such as Rodney and Hollenboer.

The UKPP have nine congress members; Crispy Dragon and Pannonian (as I mentioned) have been excellent congress members; but the party is hamstrung by the *ahem* controversy surrounding King Willy and 4 congress members all scoring 1/10 on the activity index.

UKRP are having a pretty solid month, with both Rob and perilouspanther on the CS committee, but with both Scarfar and for a time Wook being in the MoD they haven’t been as active in congress as in the past. Notable for lack of input in the PMs is certacito.

Aaron Mark Daniels has been very active, popping up on the CS committee as well as helping me out as deputy speaker with work on keeping the congress spreadsheet updated. Colin Brown has made a decent fist of his first congress term, mwc and alex atem extremely quiet.

Disappointing showing from some of these first time congress members. Haven’t heard Reginald Kray or Marktiello say a word in the PMs, while Bruce Wayne has been his usual marmite self.

ESO’s sole representative has been Max Blue this month, and he’s made a fairly decent job of it.

The Parties

Ordered by average number of votes partaken in.

The last two and a half weeks have certainly been more time consuming than I originally imagined they would be. With the introduction of the new citizenship and trusted person systems, Congress has at times been voting on 3 or even 4 votes at a time- it has been a difficult thing to manage, which is why i’ve taken on a deputy to try and make things run smoother.

This past month has seen the re-introduction of a metagame to the eUK Congress, for the first time since early 2012. Legislation contained on Gdocs has been put forward and voted on, and for the first time in as long as I can remember, Congress is being useful. We’ve actually helped improve the way that the eUK is run, which is at the end of the day the whole point of having a congress. It’s been pretty difficult to keep discussions on topic at times, especially with the whole King Willy controversy, but I feel we have managed to achieve a fair amount considering where we started from.

My goal for the next 10 days is to consolidate and be constantly improving the running of congress, and try to get as many people engaged as possible.

If you made it all the way down to here, I salute you o/
