Za Sloveniju od Srbije! Gremoooooo!

Day 1,100, 09:39 Published in Slovenia Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

Phoenix is a better alliance. Why? Because we have SLOVENIA with us. Simple as that.

We are not going to list all the times Slovenians helped Serbia and the alliance because there isn't enough space on the servers. We just came here to pay our respect to one of the most loyal and one of the bravest nations of the New World. It would also be silly trying to list all of the things we share, be that in real life or in here. There are MPPs, there are allies and then there are friends. Our mutual past has proven so many times that we have an honest and true friend in Slovenia, and likewise.

Things are not all that great at the moment, we are mostly defending our territories or trying to liberate other allies, but for the message we are trying to convey that doesn't really matter. This game is about people and we are here to promote friendship and try to tie our two communities even closer together.

That being said onto a more casual matters. His Excellency mr Obrad Kerkez and myself are interested in certain Slovenian wines. After the gala reception with other ambassadors, presidents, diplomats and all that boring protocol stuff we will be in our quarters getting ready for a wine tour through Dolenjska, Bela Krajina, Kras and Vipava. If we go missing don't send any search parties, we're bound to surface sooner or later. Hopefully it will be many, many bottles of wine later. If you want to chat or just feel the need to say "hi" you can find us at #mip on mibbit and #srb.mofa on rizon.