Your new Minister of Education

Day 2,086, 14:19 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Note: The ePresident of eMalaysia has published an official articles stating things you should be educated about.

Our new president in his infinite wisdom has appointed me as the new minister of Education of eMalaysia. The last Minister of Education I remember was Carr Da Vaux and that was back in 2009 so I am not all that sure about any changes that have occurred in the leadership of the Ministry.

I'm not even sure about what illicit totally legit business that the ministry partakes in.

So either the the Ministry of education hasn't really been doing anything lately, I have not been paying attention, or the MoE is a shadow society which only strike and gives citizens education in the darkness of the night.

Either way the path of educator of the people of eMalaysia of the New World has been thrust upon me by our benevolent Country President. So I will do everything in my power to uphold the Office of Minister of Education!

Education, Typing, and Pictures!

As my first act with the new authority I will give 1 Q1 food to anyone who solve this puzzle:
