Xander 4 Congress!

Day 2,308, 09:28 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

I have decided to run for a seat in congress, representing the Military Dictatorship Party.

I am aware that the MDP has a controversial history, and that many eCanadians resent us for the actions of a few nefarious individuals in the past. I will not deny that the party carries a somewhat-less-than-polished image. But that is the past. A new wind blows through. New blood runs through the old veins, fresh and eager gladiators have entered the arena, and our concern must be for the future. The new blood is proud of the strength and heritage of the MDP, but we are also mindful that we do carry with us a history that some find objectionable, and that many do not share our views.

Some of you may know me by now as something of a "partisan hawk." Or more likely, given the medium and the parlance of our time, a "troll" - though I personally find that this definition misses the mark somewhat. I am outspoken, argumentative, opinionated, occasionally arrogant and often rude. I own these qualities and make no apologies for them. I antagonize and pick fights - deliberately - because my beliefs are firm and my resolve is strong. I defend my beliefs despite rigorous and occasionally vehement opposition, and attack when I see something I believe to be wrong.

I staunchly defend my allies, brothers and friends, and my beliefs, when they are attacked, and I relish the anger of those who are offended by it. I praise loudly those worthy of praise, and laugh at those who would call me a "kiss-ass" or "deep-throat" for daring to speak positively of those who have done good work - they assume I seek approval, but I am merely stating my beliefs.

And I do not give up. Some of the fights I picked when I first began playing the game six months ago are still ongoing.

I firmly believe that the Military Dictatorship Party, one of the longest-running parties in eCanada's history, has the best interests of eCanada at heart. I have not been here as long as many of you, but I firmly believe that the Military Dictatorship Party - in its current state, as it has been for the past several months, and looking forward into the future - represents some of the best that eCanada has to offer: the bravest, the strongest, the most patriotic. Perhaps not the nicest or most softly-spoken, but always with an eye towards Canada's strength, independence and security.

I will ardently defend the actions I have seen taken by Muglack, for they have been just, wise and honourable. He has helped every one of us as a leader, fought hard against our enemies, and given new players guidance and opportunity they would not have found elsewhere.

I will continue to defend the decisions of Jason Welsh as he steps up to lead our party, having survived his first PTO attempt, for he is also intelligent, decisive and honourable. I am confident in his ability to lead us into the danger that lurks on the horizon, and to help keep us all standing when we charge headlong into it. With a firm hand on the tiller, I am optimistic for our future.

To that end, I will also work towards our shared vision of a strong, independent eCanada. We fight well above our weight class because many of you, like me, are resolved to fight passionately for the things you believe in. We pick fights we know we cannot win, we stand in defiance of those who can crush us (or, at the least, they believe they can do so) because these battles must be fought, and these causes must be championed. We thumb our noses at those who would attempt to force us to bended knee; spit in the eye of those who would tell us we are less than they; we laugh at the headsman's axe as it looms above, daring him to let it fall. To do otherwise is to surrender, and that is something eCanadians do not do.

If chosen to represent the MDP in congress, it will be my sworn duty to see to it that we continue to be strong, daring, independent and fierce.

Ever Forward!