WRP Leadership Council

Day 1,560, 12:35 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

The Workers’ Rights Party today announces the establishment of a Leadership Council of the party. This council will support party development and hopefully increase membership.

The Leadership council will consist of

Deputy Party President - The post holder fulfilling this role will be responsible for supporting the party president in deciding the overall party strategy, maintaining and enhancing the party's reputation, and giving new party members help and guidance.

The Workers’ Rights Party is pleased to announce Joe Murphy has been appointed to the role as of today.

Secretary of Recruitment - The post holder fulfilling this role will be responsible for supporting the party president in recruiting new members to the party and maintaining recruitment campaigns.

Secretary of Work and Home Affairs - The post holder fulfilling this role will be responsible for supporting the party president in deciding policy to guide and inform the internal politics of the eUK, keeping wages fair and ensuring the party keeps in touch with the mood of the common eUK citizens.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs - The post holder fulfilling this role will be responsible for supporting the party president in deciding foreign policies, alliances and treaties and war strategy.

Announcements regarding the secretaries of Recruitment, Work and Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs will be announced in the future.

Current members please contact me, Huey George if interested in fulfilling any unoccupied roles.

The WRP is also always looking for new members and would consider any new comers to any unfulfilled roles.

The Workers’ Rights Party A modern socialist movement.

WRPv11 by Huey1337, on Flickr

Thanks for reading.

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Member of the Liberty Military Unit