Will You Be Hungry Enough?

Day 998, 09:33 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Are you hungry? Really hungry? Are you hungry enough to possibly consume upwards of 100 pieces of food in a day?

Make sure you’re exercising if you eat that much. For starters, clicking on the vote button might burn a calorie or two

The admins have yet to release a date for when the new manual consumption of food will kick in.

Right now as it stands, if you want to be successful on the battlefield, you need to buy yourself a constant supply of wellness packs. These wellness packs aren’t cheap, coming in at 0.5g per 20 wellness. For eCanadians, that is equal to spending about 18.7 (slight rounding done here)

That’s rather expensive, as it nearly equals out to 1 CAD (0.935) per wellness point, which is quite a lot.
With the new rules, where you are able to eat as much food as you’d like (up to a max of 300 health), you can potentially get health for much cheaper, allowing you to kill some more Redcoats or whoever else is trying to attack us on that day.

So, how much cheaper could getting wellness from food be?

Let’s start off with Q1 foo😛 the current price on the market is 0.35. The maximum amount of wellness you could receive from a piece of Q1 food is 3 wellness, allowing you to buy a max of 100 of this type of food. As you probably noticed immediately, the cost of Q1 food per wellness point is extremely cheap at just 0.117. Of course, if you choose to help your happiness as well as your wellness, than the cost per wellness point will start increasing.

The following is a chart that I created which shows the price-per-wellness, this is assuming that the food company put all of it’s customization points into wellness, and any extra into happiness.

So as you can see, if you’re going for an all-wellness approach, Q2 is the cheapest, assuming there would be an offer for a food with only wellness and no happiness.

What might surprise some people is that the most expensive way to increase your wellness (Q5 food) is still cheaper by over half a cent per wellness point than a wellness pack.

So if you become s big eater, then the cheapest that you could fill your daily quota of 300 health is by consuming 50 units of Q2 food, which will cost you only 25.5 CAD.

Well, that would be the case, as long as food doesn’t start skyrocketing in price, which it very well may do. Demand is going to explode the moment that the manual consumption of food comes into place, and the price rising would be very, very bad for our nation. Not only would rising food costs make it even more expensive for ordinary citizens to just have a basic amount of food to keep their wellness up (or happiness), but it could also have a large impact on how powerful our CAF and Militia’s will be. Expensive food will reduce the amount of our soldiers will want to buy food, or they might not even be able to afford it.

This may not seem like much of a problem, but if the enemy’s food is significantly cheaper than ours, they can send endless waves of soldiers at us for just a fraction of the cost.

Kitteh Break!

You all know this cat is smarter than you
On another note, totally unrelated from wars and battles, the Q5 food industry appears to be getting stabbed in the back by the admins. If you took a good look at my chart earlier in this article, you might have noticed how expensive just a singe piece of Q5 costs (3.81) Q5 food has a total of 150 “customization points”, so the total of the health and happiness given out will always equal 15. From now on we’ll just call a unit of happiness or wellness a “point”.

So, why is Q5 getting stabbed in the back? Well, you can go ahead and spend $3.81 to get 15 points, which equals out to about $0.254 per “point”.

Or, you could buy some Q2 food (the cheapest Q per “point”) for only $0.085 per “point.”

Do you see what I’m getting at? People used to buy Q5 food because they could only eat 1 piece of food per day, and so they were willing to pay more to get as much out of food as possible. With this new rule, every single Q of food is suddenly competing against each other (much like gifts did in V1). For it to be worth buying Q5 food, the companies in Canada would need to lower their price to just above $0.085 per unit. The reason I said “just above” is that some people might not mind spending a bit more to have to spend less time buying and eating food.

The following chart shows the “cost per point” of each Q of food

The order of cost is still the same, and Q5 is way out of their league. Either they will need to make drastic price cuts in the near future, or they will have to go out of business.

So, what does this all mean? Well for starters, the admins have made it significantly cheaper to gain wellness. This will create more fights for you to take part in, and potentially stir up some more demand for weapons on the market.

Also, the Q5 and Q4 food industries should be bracing for impact, as the new rule is set to crush them and their current prices. Unfortunately, the people the admins are ripping off just so happen to be the ones who have invested the most gold.

The only hope that I can see would be a new rule that also limits the amount of food you can eat (i.e. you can gain 300 health or consume 30 pieces of food), as without a limit on food people will almost always buy the cheapest type available.
