Why We Believe in a Peaceful eArmenia!

Day 3,120, 17:10 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

Hello, my name is Anthony, your leader of the ALP. I just want to talk about why we believe in a peaceful eArmenia.

As you can see, we are living in a troubled world, a lot of crime, a lot of hate and everything in between and I'm so tired of that. Here in eArmenia, it's a different story. As you can see, our country was initially destroyed by our enemy, Iran until we gained control of Northern Armenia and right now, we are in the process of gaining control of Central Armenia and if we win, then we will continue our long-term fight to restore eArmenia and we will have a celebration, a celebration which will celebrate the long-term legacy of our government and our homeland and if we lose, then we have no choice but to heavily fight back. That's our punishment in which we will give to Iran.

Another problem is that our country and Iran has too many guns/weapons and my solution for the 2 countries is to give up on those weapons and to destroy them so that the 2 countries can stop the conflict entirely in an effort for the 2 to have better and stable relations between each other.

My biggest concern about eArmenia is that if eArmenians and minorities unite to destroy Iran, then Iran would heavily fight back against us as their punishment to give to us.

So, I don't know what to say but I hope that 1 day, we can have a fully peaceful eArmenia, a place which will have a large, moderate and peaceful military, a democratic, multicultural government and a peace-loving heart which everybody will use to express their views and feelings to us. That way, we can change people's lives, 1 step at a time.

For the AFP, I want the AFP to take a break from politics for 2-3 months and to give ALP, AHC and the other political parties in eArmenia a chance to win monthly elections so in that way, we can truly have a multi-party government in eArmenia.

For our party(ALP), were in the process of merging with another ally of ours(AHC) and this historic deal will help bolster our party to the fullest so that the new ALP can have larger members and to compete with the AFP. Until the merger is finished in 90 days or 1 month, the 2 parties will remain separate and business will be as usual until changes are made.

For now, we can have a peaceful and safer eArmenia from time to time and eArmenians, will u join the struggle with me? Will u fight against Iran and will u join the new ALP?

eArmenians will have their say by answering yes or no and please include your opinion as well.

Thank you so much! Thanks for the Future! Thanks for making eArmenia stronger, safer and secured for the Future!