Why Theocratic Nation of Switzerland is against USA action in Mexico.

Day 476, 16:42 Published in USA Italy by Dio Akira

This is a real story.

In Switzerland Theocrats won election in congress and presidencial: 70% of congress and Dio Brando won precidential.

Theocratic companies export in USA only q1 gift and food, only two companies... it's real ONLY TWO COMPANIES

One month ago the presiedent Uncle Sam wrote:

"Trade Embargo with a Theocratic Country
You may also have noticed that I proposed a Trade Embargo with Switzerland, and there are a good portion of reasons for that. First off, they were taken over by the Theocratic Party, so what? Many people may argue that we're stifling business options by closing off markets with very low import taxes, but look at where all the money will end up. Their tax structure is designed to destroy all other companies that are not owned by Theocrats, and it's exactly what they're doing. Furthermore, Theocratic organizations and companies, the ones getting returns from the high taxes, are exporting to the USA. Not only has the Theocratic Party ruined the country that we fought to free not a couple months ago, but they're profiting off of our markets.

Thus I have proposed this embargo, which will prevent us from exporting to them (keeping us from building their coffers and assets) and keep them from exporting to us. Because of Theocratic action, the USA does not recognize Dio Brando as the President of Switzerland!

Two situations where money is causing problems..."

source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-money-is-the-root-of-all-evil--733369/1/20

And this is the reason because Switzerland is against you in this war with Mexico. Maybe swizerland is a little country but every citizen is a strong soldiers (tank) and you lose a great opportunities to established a relationship with us.
You thought that we are a little country but the staticts talk for us: Switzerland - 1812 fights - 215001 damage

Thanks Uncle Sam. This victory is for You!