Who is the puppet master?

Day 1,148, 05:48 Published in South Korea Romania by Clopoyaur

Hi South Korea,

Usually my articles are quite serious discussing important things for our country. The one for today is also important, but it lets you to decide the right answer.

So here we go:

Here are options to choose from:

a) The master puppeteer is roland_up. A fierce fighter for Japan, inflicting heavy damage for Japan in the war against South Korea in last December and even gained (if I remember well) 1 battle hero medal while fighting against our country. Suddenly, around middle December received SK citizenship and quickly infiltrated among the Grease supporters. His main goal? Maybe to sell some land for gold. Maybe to Japan? Maybe to China? Who knows? There are all innocent assumptions. Wanna bet Jeju will end up in Japan?

b) The master puppeteer is his catness Grease himself. The great friendship between those 2 people might explain such an hypothesis. In the end, we encounter the same lack of activity and apathy for country tasks like in the months when Grease was president. Also, since Grease took 1100 Gold for himself, is kinda explicable how the puppet considers that 700 gold are not enough to launch a food program and needs to issue more money.

c) There is no master puppeteer, there is rythemdj in full power! You gotta be kidding me!!! He is president for one week allready representing the mighty RL Koreans community and did not took one single measure for the country. Or maybe it is too relaxed to do something.

As this is an exercise, you can use your imagination in order to find out who is behind the puppet. Once again, for those not knowing English:

Clopoyaur (just relaxing)

DISCLAIIMER: This is a pamphlet and should be treated as such!