What can the W o r k e r s' Party do for you?

Day 1,522, 11:27 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
The eUK is undergoing tough times and the Workers' Rights Party is here to help. Whether it's a well paid stable job, some food or weapons to aid in our resistance, raw materials or advice we will consider all requests.

We maybe a small party however we have generous members.

The Workers’ Rights Party was founded on the following principles;

- Fairness
- Lower taxes
- More government support to all eUK citizens less elitism

This can be achieve by;

- Forming a society which pulls in one direction for the good of every citizen
- Building new politics, open for all citizens.
- Food and weapon supplies for all to aid in the eUK conflicts
- More frequent and better in-game governmental communication
- A more organised military response to this occupation

Come and say hello and see what the Workers' Rights Party can do for you and maybe join?

WRPv12 by Huey1337, on Flickr

The Workers’ Rights Party A modern socialist movement.

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Current Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Member of the Death Squad Military Unit