Western Europe: Now With 72% More EDEN!

Day 778, 17:46 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144


It is a word that just about anyone can use to describe what has happened in France and Germany.

Poland decided that it wanted to attack Germany, and frankly, there was nothing Germany could do about it. No matter how many MPP’s it signed, Phoenix forces were too focused elsewhere to provide enough support to halt the Polish war machine composed largely of young players.

Meanwhile, Spain was assaulting France. Wanting revenge for France’s previous occupation of Spain, Spain wanted to inflict as much damage and destruction as it could on France, and they took no time to stop and smell the roses as France’s regions quickly dwindled. The result: Paris under Spanish control, and France down to a measly 6 regions.

Really, that is old news. What is new, however, is the fact that Poland and Spain touched borders, which provides a distinct advantage to Eden.

When Poland took control of some regions bordering the UNL. They quickly blocked Poland, but the Netherlands was unable to continue blocking after the Poles successfully defended against the attack. So, instead of activating all of the Netherlands MPP’s, the Polish went after Wallonia, a former Belgian region and conquered it.

This, however, brought Poland to a border with the UK. By attacking Brussels, no UK MPP’s were activated, and once the Spanish were ready to region-swap around, the battle was retreated.

This territory swapping had given the Spanish control of the westernmost regions of Germany, as well as a few German regions, which effectively surrounds all remaining German territories. Most importantly though, Poland no longer has to fear of blocking attacks from the UNL or the British.

These events have brought Phoenix’s influence in Western Europe down to dangerously low levels. France was once a pillar of their influence, but now is just a smouldering ruin.

All of this, these battles and conquests, have brought much worry to one country in particular:

The UK

During the North American Invasion, the UK backstabbed all of Eden by switching alliances to Peace, and then helping Hungary into North America.
As what remains of Germany and France falls, the UK becomes more and more helpless.

MPP’s can be handy, but it can also be useful to have a bordering allied country, one that can block any invaders. Italy attempted to do this for France, but it ultimately failed.

So, as it currently stands, the UK borders Sweden, Norway, Canada, the US, the UNL, Spain and Ireland, as well as Poland being just beyond her borders.

Of those countries, Ireland is neutral, and theUNL is allied with the UK. This leaves the UK and the UNL surrounded by 5 Eden countries.

The UK is an island in an ocean of Eden.

Now, if you look at the UK’s current MPP’s, you will see that they have 8, some of which go to Hungary, Serbia and Russia.

Anyone would be foolish to believe that such a thing could stop an invasion force. Poland alone fought through Germany and it’s 9 Mpp’s, many of which are identical to the UK’s allies.

So, am I suggesting we should invade the UK?


But I am saying that if we ever plan on getting payback, there is simply no better time to do it than now. (Well, maybe in a week or two)

Needless to say, just about every eCanadian would be willing to bite off their own big toe to get a shot at them, so why not invigorate all of eCanada with national pride, and finally give us all what we’ve been waiting for.

Sweet, Sweet Revenge
