We're in this Shindig Together

Day 1,088, 21:39 Published in USA USA by PigInZen
Only Together Can We Get It Done

Why did I come back to play eRepublik? That's a great question. I believe that eRep is unlike any other game out there. It has a unique game play that both frustrates and excites gamers, requiring massive coordination and assemblance of chaotic and disparate groups and inidividuals to achieve common goals. The only tools at your disposal: your ability to convince others through communication. Everything else is just window dressing.

Why do so many of us take the time to camp out on IRC or the eusforums? Why do so many of us coordinate our messages, shouts and newspapers for a common message? Why do so many of us join together in the military, government or political partis and other groups? Obviously to get stuff done. When we don't get stuff done, collectively, our whole society suffers. Battles aren't won, money isn't printed and put into the treasury, alliances aren't renewed, and vital information isn't disseminated. In short, what makes the eUS such a successful, effective group in eRepublik is that there are so many of us paying attention and devoting some serious energy to keeping things rolling.

The byproducts of this effort and succes are comraderie, a sense of shared interest and risk, and an electronic brother and sisterhood that offers an experience that is unparalled on the internet. Why is this? Because of the media module. Without the ability to find commonality through the media there is no way we could generate the large scale of interest and community bonds needed to be successful. We would be separate components operating not in sync, unable to concentrate our efforts in the most effective manner possible.

In light of this thought I've decided to write a series of serious articles (right, do you do anything else BUT serious, PiZ?) dedicated to identifying and listing things that each of us can do to make the USA a better, stronger place. We all want to win battles and kick ass, right? Well, let's agree that MOST of us do (I'm looking at you, Sam Seabury). Without further ado, today's installment of the "list."

How to Knock Them Out

Learning from the original badass.

Muhammed Ali was a badass. Trust me on this, most of you young whippersnappers never got a chance to see him in action but as a kid I loved seeing Heavyweight boxing matches on ABC's Wide World of Sports. Ali's secret? Preparation and attention to small details. We would be smart to emulate him.

In light of this, here are five simple, basic steps everyone can do to make the USA better. The following aren't complicated or demand great effort. In essence, they are READ, READ, WORK, FRIEND, and FIGHT. We're here in eRepublik out of choice, right? Then why not choose to build America with the following five steps? These are five elementary items that will only add a few minutes to your eRep fun every day but collectively will have a huge impact on our community and its effectiveness.

The Five Basic Steps:

1. Subscribe to the Pony Express and vote up its articles. The Pony Express contains links to media articles of interest to the US population. Currently there are over 1,000 subscribers but only 55 votes for the latest edition. C'mon man, that's a weak showing by us. We can do better!

Link to the Pony Express: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-express-delivery-224977/1

Time per day: about 3 minutes max, depending upon how fast you read. Some days the PE isn't published. Bonus time off for you.

2. Subscribe to the White House Press Release (WHPR). The WHPR contains official news from the office of the president.

Link to the WHPR: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-wh-briefing-room-185289/1

Time per day: about 3 minutes max, again, if you're a slow reader, maybe longer. The WHPR isn't published everyday either.

3. Work as close to 100 wellness or at 100 if possible. This maximizes your productivity, makes your employer the most money, reduces the price of goods and will keep wages high.

Time per day: none extra, just gotta make sure you're healthy. Don't go to work sick, that's really not cool.

4. Friend everyone US citizen you see. Being friends with someone means they see your shouts and vice versa and this is the most effective way to spread news rapidly. Far faster than posting an article.

Time per day: depends on how crazy you get with it. Could be a minute or two to send around 10-15 people friend requests. Or you could be nuts about it like some are and spend hours doing it. Your choice.

5. Follow the Department of Defense orders and look for the "Battle of the Day." Through effectively concentrating our damage we can win battles, help our friends and allies and reduce the influence of unfriendly nations.

Time per day: none extra, just requires you paying attention to what the hell you're doing. 😃

C'mon, America, let's do this and lay the knock out punch on our rivals!

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

Together we have strength beyond measure. Join the cause. Hang together or surely hang separately.