Warfare Analysis of the training war between the UK, Georgia and Sweden (Week 1)

Day 3,532, 04:38 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George

Warfare Analysis of the training war between the United Kingdom, Georgia and Sweden

As you'll have read officially in our Country President's updates
[UK] Training War - TL😉R Let Georgia land + Sweden update
[UK] Update - Sweden goes south + Georgian TW GIF

The UK has entered a training war with Georgia and Sweden. I thought I would explore the damage and opponents defeated by each country over the past weeks and track the trends over the next few weeks to analyse the impact this training war has on these figures for each country and provide some observations.

While each country's military strength is important to the success of the training war, Mutual Protection Pacts are also important so I've presented this information for consideration.

First, each country's damage and opponents defeated for tank and aircraft.

Overall all the graphs above should demonstrate why the Government and many observers feel the training war is a balanced set-up. A well-managed order of MPPs battles and corresponding RWs should result in an orderly sequence of battles. Although Georgia may struggle in aircraft rounds in MPP or direct battles without the support of her training war partner or others.

As a brief reminder;

Georgia and Sweden will win MPPs or direct battles and the UK will win the resistance wars until we are informed by the Government of a change. So please make sure you and your military units or not too adversely affecting the desired outcome of these battle.

Other points to note
Georgia is not allowed to conquer these regions - London, East of England, East Midlands, Yorkshire, North East of England. In the case of an attack on these regions, the UK will actively defend them.

However please keep an eye on our Country President's Newspaper and the MoD's Newspaper for the most upto date and relevant information

Next each Country's rank, alliance and MPPs

The graphics above help demonstrate why the Government have been working hard with our allies to ensure they know about the conditions of our training war. As the balanced set-up outlined above can be disrupted by uninformed allies especially in MPP battles with Georgia due to the imbalance of MPPs between the UK and Georgia.


I've not covered all the aspects that will affect this training wars desired outcomes, such as the need for each country to support their allies in critical real wars or the economic benefits / disadvantages this training war will bring (although this may come in later article) however hopefully if you didn't already have a modest level of insight into this training war between the United Kingdom, Georgia and Sweden this initial analysis has helped.

I'll try and produce a weekly article on the training war between the United Kingdom, Georgia and Sweden. As I think it'll be of interest to see how the damage and opponents defeated balance between the three nations change as a result of the appeal of fighting for your own nation.

I'd also welcome some additional analysis from our more experienced citizens in military matters and diplomacy.

Thanks for reading

Huey George

Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Founder and Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Founding member of the Co-Operative of Equitable Pioneers
Founder of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Minister of Finance / Governor of the United Kingdom
Former Member of Congress(Parliament)
Former Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs
Former Country President/Prime Minister of the United Kingdom