War Bonds

Day 2,852, 02:59 Published in Australia Australia by Reserve Bank of Australia

Dear Aussies,

I wanted to give you an update this weekend of our financial standings, hopefully I will still provide that paper on either Saturday or Sunday.

However for today, I want to talk to you about the raise in Work Tax. This raise which so far has been well received and understood by Congress and the general public, is to increase funds for a potential Airstrike. More about this tax can be found here

After discussions with in congress, I have also put an offer on the Money Market from the RBA. This current offer is:

1 Gold = 100,000

Which means if you can spare 1,000cc, please buy 0.01g from the RBA offer. This money will be used for potential COs.

I would also like to ask the public who donate, to PM me directly so I can keep a spreadsheet and return any unused funds.

Stay tuned for more updates and a upcoming Weekly money wrap up.

Department of Finance