Wanna upgrade Your Town Center?

Day 1,641, 00:21 Published in Japan Japan by Geezus

Until you have a small Town center, your health recovery limit is small.
And you can make less action at the same time. It is hardly recommended to upgrade this building as quickly as you can.

If you want to upgrade your town center you should comply with the requirements. You can see below what kind of factories do you need for update!
You can also see there that sometimes this is a good decission to selling your companies. Unfortunatelly our company market is dead. Simply you can't set so low price which is acceptable for buyers.
However through the accounting the difference there could be a business.

If anybody want to sell or buy small companies, I can offer the following prices now:

Addition I offer 5G interest free loan for buying. (You can give back from the next achievement in one month)
If you are interrested, just pm me!
