Voting PHASE: MEME competition #Darkside

Day 3,975, 06:01 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur
The MEME competition is entering the voting phase. Here are the 22 MEMEs candidates that were validated according to the rules (2 were disqualified due to obscene or inappropriate content).

I want you to vote your Top 5 favorites. The ones that you like the most. In order for you not to be influenced by the author but to judge only the MEME itself, MEMEs have been randomized and you have no link to the author or to the article.
Only complete Top 5 stated in the comments will be taken into consideration. Only one vote per citizen is allowed. Only citizens over level 25 votes will be taken into consideration.

MEME No. 1

MEME No. 2

MEME No. 3

MEME No. 4

MEME No. 5

MEME No. 6

MEME No. 7

MEME No. 8

MEME No. 9

MEME No. 10

MEME No. 11

MEME No. 12

MEME No. 13

MEME No. 14

MEME No. 15

MEME No. 16

MEME No. 17

MEME No. 18

MEME No. 19

MEME No. 20

MEME No. 21

MEME No. 22

Voting ends Tuesday, Day 3976, 23:59 Erep time.
The winners will be announced in the Wednesday stream on Clopoyaur TV.

* After the submission deadline has passed I will make an article with all the memes and you people will get the chance vote your favorite Top 5 - This will count for 50% of the final score
* Get as many votes for your article with the meme - This will count for 25% of the score
* My personal vote will count as 25% of the score

1 - Power Pack
2 - 50.000 cc
3 - 25.000 cc
4 - 12.500 cc
5 - 7.000 cc
6 - 4.000 cc

Enjoy everyone!
o7 Clopo