Vote for Burundanga2016 for President of eArmenia Today!

Day 3,120, 05:24 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

the ALP's leader, Anthony have encouraged eArmenians to vote for Burundanga2016 for President of eArmenia today so that he can save eArmenia from another collapse and that he will make eArmenia safer, stronger and secured for the future! eArmenian will strongly encouraged to support their homeland and to support Burundanga2016 as your president of eArmenia. Remember, he needs your votes so we can have a peaceful and gun-free eArmenia waiting in our hands. Don't listen to the other phony parties who are trying to corrupt the minds of eArmenia, vote for Burundanga2016 as your President of eArmenia right now! So far, he only gained 12% of the nationwide vote behind the AFP(who's between 80%-90% of the nationwide vote) so let the votes keep coming in to him so that he can reshape eArmenia and to improve its economy. Anthony also wishes the AFP and the other parties a good luck in today's presidential elections. Remember, vote for Burundanga2016 today!! Let's make our homeland stronger and more stable as always!