Vote Binda33 in Queensland for APP Senator

Day 1,557, 04:13 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
Vote for Binda in Queensland in the APP!

I would like to try and fix the Senate if I am voted in. For a while now we have not worked well as a team. The Senate has been arguing, and not in a good constructive way and there are Laws that need updating. There is also some confusion over which Laws apply now with our Constitution in place. I would try to relieve some of this confusion by amending Laws that are unclear, and to make sure the rest are either reaffirmed or revoked.

If elected as a Senator I will be running for Speaker. I would like to appoint two newer Senators to be deputies, as we need the younger players to learn this role. This past term we have had no deputy speaker at all, and I think this was an enormous mistake.

I would like to bring function as well as harmony back into the Senate.. Well as much harmony as eAus Senate is able to possess anyway!

Vote me please.