Viado's Domestic Policy

Day 921, 03:31 Published in Australia Australia by Viado Celtru

Good evening Australia. This is the first of three articles I will release, outlining my major polices and cabinet.

Domestic Policy
I will continue to keep the public informed about the government through the Department of Public Relations. This will be lead by Dean Kong who will be assisted by Shauney B. They will continue the fantastic work that Dartreal has done of the past two months.

Comrade Bender will continue to keep our borders safe as the Minister of Immigration, Customs and Security. He will be assisted by Sir Terrifico in his first foray into government.

My Department of Welfare and Education will be combined with Baby Booming so that resources can be pooled and used more efficiently. Combining the departments will ensure that as people are brought into the game, they can then immediately be educated and directed to the right places.Agent Greeny will head up the team and will be assisted by Chris Carnage, Kirkzzy and Kyle Thorton.
I will want the department be to working closely with the mentoring program, the eAustralian University and with Boot Camp. Getting as many new players to join these programs as we can. These three programs encourage activity in new players and can teach them a lot. We don't only want to get new players coming to Australia, we want them staying and becoming active, contributing members of our community.

That is my domestic policy. Subscribe to this paper to be kept up to date on my cabinet and policies.