Viado announces his Deputy Prime Minister

Day 919, 06:53 Published in Australia Australia by Viado Celtru

Good evening Australia.

For those of you that don't know me, I'm Viado Celtru. I have been in eRepublik since December, but for this whole time I've been an Australian citizen and a member of the Australian Independents. I have been involved in the Australian Army Reserves as a squad member, a squad XO and was the Delta Squad CO for a month before stepping down to concentrate on other duties. I have also just been promoted to the AAR Quartermaster General. I am in my second term as a Senator, which has been a good insight into the legislative side of the Australian Parliament. For the past 2 months I have also been a member of Dartreal's Public Relations team. This has given me opportunities to learn how the government runs as a whole. The Australian Independents have decided to endorse me to be their candidate for the CP elections. I am grateful for this opportunity and honoured that they think I will be up to the task of governing eAustralia.

I will reveal my full cabinet at a slightly later date, but for now I will announce that my Deputy Prime Minister will be Aussie Vegeta. He was the Prime Minister back in July 2009 and has spent a lot of time living and working in Japan. Aussie Vegeta will bring a different perspective to the government. For someone to be my number 2, I needed someone who has seen it all and knows the pressures of running a country and what it entails. Aussie Vegeta has been around for a long time, and is a well respected member of the community. He has been a senator many times, so understands the Senate, and has held many other roles both here in eAustralia as well as in eJapan. He will be my right hand advisor and I can trust him to make the hard calls when I'm not around.

Subscribe to learn more about my policies and cabinet soon.