Updates on Swiss situation

Day 1,428, 13:28 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Dear Swiss citizens,

the last few days in the eWorld have been characterized by the presence of the debate about the introduction in the game of Kosovo.
The democratic vote stated that this region - better called Kosovo and Metohija - will be put in the game under the Serbian Government.
As far as Switzerland, 50% of citizens voted pro-Kosovo independent, while the others voted for Kosovo as region of Serbia.

From the DIPLOMATIC viewpoint, Monsieur Guillontine - eSwiss vice-MoFA deputed to embassies - opened a programme of recruitment for Ambassadors for Switzerland, in some key countries for Switzerland. You can see the countries and the candidates who proposed themselves till now:

Austria --> madkytle
Germany --> madkytle
Italy --> Damon Mortis
Poland --> Saharovs

In addition, the citizen yioryos proposed himself as eSwiss Ambassador in Australia: we will consider your proposal, and thanks for the availability!

If you feel interested in becoming an eSwiss Ambassador in a foreign country, do not hesitate to contact Monsieur Guillontine to join the Ambassador eSwiss team!

As far as MILITARY aspects, the order for everyone is to fight in the Resistance Warsthat are opened with daily frequency. For further details the MoD Uros95 will satisfy your informative requests.
In addition, together with my Cabinet I recommend the Swiss citizens to join Military Units in order to receive orders tempestively and with a reward (1 bazooka and 1 Energy Barrel) if the daily mission suggested by the Commander or Captain is achieved.

Since the beginning of my Presidency, 30 citizens entered the Swiss Armed Forces and thanks to the great work made by its Commander Luka Tomasevic Tomas and by the Second Commander Berengar this Military Unit has become very active: good job guys!

To conclude, in the next days new contacts will be kept with EDEN, in order to collaborate with this alliance. In these days, I always kept informed of the moves of Elite Eitaliana, a great friend of eSwitzerland which liberated Svizzera Italiana last month.
The collaboration with them, especially with mappina, Simpatrick, Oivalf and Citizen Cane (who is also eItalian Minister of Defence) is continuous and it reflects the gratitude of Switzerland towards those who liberated ourselves in the past month!

Stay tuned, soon the World will speak SWISS!