Township Rebellion

Day 1,257, 04:02 Published in Philippines USA by Jude Connors



Clicking the picture above brings you to The Battle for Palawan.

It's time! Everyone should be giving all they got to defeat Indonesia in the Resistance Wars. If anyone wants to help out by donating food and/or weapons to Freedom Fighters, please leave info in a comment!

25,216 damage and 10 dead oppressors - Not too bad!

Using my grain company and food company, I am able to feed myself a good bit to increase wellness and rarely do I have to get food from the Philippine Defense Department, helping the cause in my own way. I produce 86 grain per day right now and use that to manufacture 86 Q1 food. That's good enough for 172 wellness per day. Add the 50 wellness that I receive from my Q5 house and I get 222 wellness a day. When I get the money to buy another grain company and either buy another Q1 company or upgrade my Q1 into a Q2 food company, I will be completely self-sufficient! If anyone wants to contribute to that cause, let's talk!

Looka What I Got!

In the middle of fighting in the Independence War in Palawan, a rare screen appeared! And now I am Level 26! It's a shame we only get 1 Gold for that now, instead of the five gold we used to get. Oh well, amirite?

In addition to dealing with the current circumstances with Indonesia, the Philippine Congress has made in-roads on the road to transparency. Check out the forum and see what I mean.

Now get out and fight!