To citizens of Russia

Day 1,052, 11:40 Published in Russia Serbia by eSerbian MoFA

MoFA - 1052. - To citizens of Russia

Citizens of Russia, today we have all witnessed the fall of your region Kaliningrad. Anarchy and chaos that started when you know "who" gave us so called "supported by all" MPP system that changed the basics of this game. Unlimited wellness pack and instant defeat button has been already damaged balance in this New World, we have all been there when one man army destroyed entire alliance, we have all been there, fight against it and we have lost.

Entire world is collapsing even as I write this message to you, more than 20 open battles around the World, territories is falling one by one and you know "who" don't care about any of this since there is only concern to them, to earn more money. This game and this constant changes that are ruining this society is killing us all one by one and it was really sad to one your citizens to get public support where he blame us (Serbia) for your lost battle. You have been there few days ago when Liaoning fallen, we all have seen what won that battle despite effort of us all and yet we didn't insult and attack our allies, we know why we lost it and we have channel our anger toward right target.

One more thing is also sad if you really believe in it, that we didn't fight in Kaliningrad, through entire battle we where there, trying to defend your land. We did not ask money, weapons or anything from you and we was still there proud to defend people that we call our allies.

Your nation was always proud one, through the course of history you have always defend your land even when you have faced greatest dangers. Today we are all faced that danger here, there is no more strategy in this game, there is no more power of nations and alliance it is all about who have more money and in this game we are the ones who lacks it but we are fighting still whenever we can to defend our allies and make those little boys with daddy credit card spend even more money.

There are no many people that will spend hundreds of euros and dollars in this game, their money is not that infinite, stay strong, stay proud and give them all the hell that they want.

This is time when you need to be strong when everything looks bad, are you ready to give up upon Russia and allies that fight all the time for you in the past and are you ready to say that they are better just because few of them have Master Cards (and some special way to obtain gold).

Are you ready to fight for Russia?
Are you ready to make stand beside your allies?
Are you ready to make resistance to this stupid game?
Are you ready to fight for our future in this game?

If the answer is yes, lets fight and give them HELL!




Sincerely yours

Minister of Foreign Affairs: EternalFlameOfFreedom
Deputy minister: Pati Saijic
Deputy minister: MaliOdPalube