Day 1,433, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

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What a week it has been. The rebuilding of the Libertarian Party is in full effect, and I have been placed as the party's Vice President. In addition, I will be running for Congress, so be on the lookout for a campaign article soon.

In addition, my prodigal son, Lord Pariah, has returned home. Welcome him and friend him if you haven't already. He's good people... being my son and all! Also, subscribe to his paper.

But this week has also had its fair share of low points. In what was supposed to be the monumental debut of the Wednesday edition of eNPR, hosted by portcolumbus and yours truly; ended up a complete flop and great example of how to NOT run a call-in program. With a co-host having a mental breakdown and all-around failure of the debut show, I doubt there will be a second Wednesday show. It's a shame, but I not only accept the decisions of those who make the show happen, I support them 100%. Either way, eNPR producers know where I am and I will continue to serve as a co-host as needed on the Mondays and Fridays editions of eNPR.

This week has also been the week of trollism. because of that, I have decided to bring back a word in the New World that has been lost for entirely too long: BUTTHEAD HATER TROLL.

By definition, a butthead hater troll is a guiltless, shit talking, drama starting, rumor spreading, instigator of the worst and lowest breed.

Three people come to mind when I think of the term:

George Pumpkinette

The illustrious Pumpkinette has once again decided to troll me once more. For those that don't know, this same BUTTHEAD HATER TROLL attacked me once before in the media. Actually, there have been very few times when I said anything that wasn't almost immediately trolled by the Pumpkinhead. Then I released an article titled Smashing Pumpkins about 100 days ago and he all but disappeared. Seriously, I thought I had rid the New World of his whining and incoherent babbling.

I was sadly mistaken. George Pumpkinette continues to infect the New World with bitchiness and stupidity and even went as far as to attempt a two-part troll of me in his aptly-named paper, The Art of Making Enemies. Parts One and Two were both a diatribe of absurdity that attempted to be a personal attack on me as a player and the life that he believes me to life IRL.

He's so off base and idiotic in these articles, that his attempt to troll me actually made me laugh. In fact, it anything, the articles cause me to pity the man who identifies himself as a fifty-one year old drunk IRL who comes to the game because even his pathetic eLife is better than his RL.

So Pumpkinette... your attempt to troll me failed, man. And there is a simple reason why, as I illustrated below:

Wrong You Are Doing It, Yes

Maybe Yoda and mastery of the Force can help you, although I truly believe what you really need is a 1-800 Number and a big book with 12 Steps, but that's just me.

Elizabeth Jones

The next BUTTHEAD HATER TROLL I wish to talk about today is the person who publicly calls himself the Shadow President of the Libertarian Party, Eli Jones. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure if EJ is trolling or just idiotic, but I'll include him here anyway.

So this EJ cat says he wants the Libs to be successful but aligns himself with PtH2 - who is not only an enemy of the state and hater of democracy, but also the man who helped the Libertarian Party fall from 5th to 6th place by sending out this message:

Sounds like a person who has the party's best interests at heart to me, amirite?

Truth is; EJ is so far up PtH2's ass that he can no longer see daylight. Not only does he publicly attack those who has a different opinion of Pizza, but even serves in his unpatriotic militia that has a Servian - one of the eUSA's most dangerous enemies - as the militia's 2nd Commander.

Continuing to try to confuse new eAmericans by speaking as a member of the Libertarian Party's leadership, EJ hopes to follow in the steps of his mentor, Pizza the Hut II; and attempt to gain power for personal glory. He uses populism and manipulates facts to gain a following, just like Pizza. Some are even starting to wonder if EJ is just another Ajay Bruno multi.

But for EJ, I leave this video:

Pizza the Hut II

Perhaps the biggest BUTTHEAD HATER TROLL is the Ajay Bruno multi known as Pizza the Hut II. This guy practically wrote the book on HOW TO BE A BUTTHEAD HATER TROLL. He started out trying to come to power in the eUSA, then took his show on the road as Ajay Bruno. In South Africa, where he ultimately died; Ajay unsuccessfully tried to PTO the government, once again with the help of Serbs and Hungarians.

On October 18,2009 Ajay Bruno was officially banned from eRepublik along with his multiple accounts, including Barnabas Stinson and Silias Benjamin. He returned quickly, however; using the new multi, Winston L.S. Churchill and nearly became CP of the eUK before he was banned, yet again.

Most recently, we knew him as Pizza the Hut. This multi was created in March of 2009, so it is easy to see his cheating ways, as he was active with this one at the same time as he was active with the original Ajay Bruno character. Ultimately, it was also banned but Ajay has returned as PtH2.

Pizza's favorite thing to do is bash the "elite", his only way to try to steer people away from the truth of his cheating and other underhanded practices to gain power. Most recently, he went on a tirade because he lost the election for party president of the New Conservative Party to party member and rising star, Deershark. He has since threatened to PTO the Libertarian Party ( and; called numerous people in IRC chat derogatory names (, and basically has whined that the "elite" are keeping him down.

Truth is, Pizza is an storied PTOer that hates America, apple pie, and democracy. As former President Black Keating pointed out recently, he has been given opportunities to redeem himself from his past history as a cheater and enemy to the eUSA. Each opportunity results in the same outcome: Pizza trying to advance his own personal goal, granting eUSA citizenship to enemy citizens while in Congress and sabotaging foreign relations between the eUSA and eGreece when given an opportunity to serve as an Ambassador just four months ago. And as I stated earlier, his militia has a Serb as its 2nd Commander.

Sounds like a person who has the eUSA's best interests at heart to me, amirite?

Truth is, Pizza has only one goal:

But he will ALWAYS fail.

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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