Three Cheers for the Do-Nothing Congress!

Day 1,625, 09:50 Published in USA USA by Zheng He

The word of the day is "useless".

I am thankful not to be a member of the 53rd Congress. We are nearly a week into the new term, and what have they done? No Speaker of the House. And because they cannot have a rational discussion, the forums have been locked!

Of course, I don't know all the details because this is also a very secretive Congress ... most of the discussions are being held behind closed doors (in the private section of the forums, that is).

You can see the public part of the Speaker of the House (SoH) debacle by looking at the 53rd Congress Speaker of the House nominations. Four nominees, two declined. The last statement as of today is:
"We should technically be operating without a SoH according to the Constitution. Would the current SoH please call the vote?"

Followed by:
"There are only two candidates, and one is under censure-ship consideration, hence the wait for that vote to end."

WHAT??? Yes, that's right, assuming the statement is correct, one of only two nominees for SoH is being considered for censureship! Who are the two nominees? Right, THEY ARE BOTH FORMER PRESIDENTS! This is a sad day for America, my friends, very sad. Leadership has indeed reached a new low.

Note: Oblige responded to my request for comment by saying:
"This Congress has actually been extremely active. So much so to the point that the Congressional Forums briefly had all discussion threads suspended.

I withdrew from the SoH contest after seeing GoalieBCSC prove his leadership abilities with an adept handling of that incident. I have every confidence in his leadership moving forward."

And the other thing ... right, check out this thread on the public forums about a Formal Request: Temporary Closing of Congress. This is followed by the statement:

"All discussion threads will be locked. All votes will stay open. If this continues, I will start censuring people as that is my right as Speaker. I expect people will not start any threads until I unlock them." (Day 1624 at 2:24 pm EST).

What are these people doing and who elected them? Not me ... the guy I voted for didn't win.

Although not a congress-critter, here is my humble nomination for Speaker of the House for the 53rd Congress:

And to lighten things up, I'm sure some of my old fag friends will have fun watching this epic video from the good old days, when we freed Hello Kitty!

Stay thirsty my friends ... for killing!

Zheng "Jed" He
Former Congress-Critter
Newspaper writer (been there)
Army Officer, CO of the 25th Tropic Lightning Division (done that)
Solder in the Special Forces (doing!)
Colonel 2-clicker (always)