This sucks

Day 1,901, 13:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Well this just sucks. eMalaysia was wiped off the map today by eThailand. In what I can only interrupt as eThailand being overexcited and accidentally wiping us out.

Or them just planning this all along. Them masterfully planning to have us lower our defenses and not declare natural enemy against them so that then after they took the territory we agreed to give them they could wipe us off the map. If this was their plan than they masterfully did it.

Hopefully this was all just a mistake. But you know, I'm really just starting to wonder. In the mean time, we have no nation, we have no territory.

I really hope that I am wrong and that eThailand did not intend for this to happen but I just do not know.
