The New World does not know Geography

Day 2,083, 18:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

This is just something that I have been noticing more and more lately. Citizens of the New World don't seem to know geography at all. Now back in my day citizens had more of an excuse.

There wasn't all the glitz and glam back then that there is now. We did not have an in game map which showed you what country was where. Back then if you wanted to see a map you had to a a different website which showed you all the territories of the new world and what resources were in each territory.

Things have changed since then, for the worse honestly, and there is a new in game map which shows you what the world looks like. Citizens of the new world either don't know how to use it or simply ignore and remain ignorant of geography.

Way back when citizens seemed to know geography or a little better or simply didn't talk about it. Today, however, I read people making outrageous and simply untrue accusations.

Such as Texas being in Serbia, Texas being in Thailand, Malaysia being in Pakistan.

These citizens are obviously confused about the geographical regions of the world.

In the end it all boils down to one thing. These citizens are in need of education. An atlas would be of great use to these individuals or at the very they should have a look at the in game map.
