The military treaties of eDenmark [update day 2554]

Day 2,554, 04:12 Published in Denmark Denmark by Ushlau

eDenmark is bound by a few treaties. The daily orders of the official eDanish military units and the orders from the Minister of Defence are hence generally determined by these, i.e.:
1) The Germarkian Union
2) North Sea Protection Pact - N$PP

Germarkian Union
The 1st of January 2012 eDenmark and eGermany joined in a close union known as the "German - Denmark Confederation” - or more popular as Germark. The original treaty text can be found here:
Germany - Denmark Confederation Treaty
In the spring of 2013 an amendment was done to the treaty:
a) Common expenses are declared as expenses, where every member of the union has the option to benefit from. For example MPP-Costs and supplies for Common-Hits and Wars.
b) The Union-Partner Denmark will participate in these costs with a monthly payment of 20% of their monthly tax-income to the german financial Organisation “Bundesbank”.
c) The Governments of all Union-Partners have to be informed in advance before any costing actions are launched. MoFA and MoD of all Union-Partners should cooperate as well as possible.
d) The Governments of all Union-Partners have to be informed before any warlike operations are initiated.

North Sea Protection Pact - N$PP
The 4th of June 2014 a pact was signed between the following entities:
The United Kingdom, Belgium, Germarkian Union and The Netherlands.
The full text of the pact can be found here:
North Sea Protection Pact - N$PP
The N$PP is basically a non-aggression and defense pact, i.e. there will be no military hostility between the countries and if one country is attacked the others will help. However the pact also includes paragraphs about joint strikes and improved communication between the member states.

(updated 17.11.2014)