The Journey of a 1,000 Days

Day 1,372, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

On the 31st of August I will have toiled in the New World for 1,000 days.

Provided I continue the way I have so far, on that day I will have been active for 990 days.

I will have worked 715 days in a row. I hear some ask, "Don't you have a life?" I do... in those 715 days I moved houses. I've had two sons join my daughter. I've had hospital stays for my kids, my wife and myself (nothing serious). I've been out of the country twice and out of province a number more times. I have a large circle of neighbours and friends that keep me active and entertained. Through it all, I always seem to manage to sneak my work days in.

1,000 days is a big milestone. There would be so many stories to tell and share. I do on occasion get to share them as a handful of people I've invited over the years have remained.

I'm particularly proud of my Media Mogul medal, in large part because it includes a segment where I wrote 30 articles in 30 days. I've had some, but very few, fluff or throwaway articles. The media was my first love in this game and one of the modules I've always hoped would be made more robust and interesting.

I'm also extremely lucky and proud of having been your Country President. The victory was hoped for but never expected. It was an honest, if middling effort, one that I would welcome again some day if the situation was right.

Before they changed the war module to V2 I had managed to sneak myself into the heavier hitters category. I did so again right before they nuked V2 and changed the strength calculations. Those near successes allowed me to gain a few battle heros for which I'm extremely thankful. I'm so far behind that I virtually have no chance of ever obtaining a campaign medal. The resistance medal is once more in play and it will be one of my goals moving forward. That is trick of longevity here, set goals.

My biggest goal right now though is potentially set for the 25th. During the next Congress election I will have the chance to become the Canadian born citizen elected the most often to the legislature from a tie currently with CitizenB (5n4keyes has 19 Congress medals but he won those in Ireland).

I will never be a one man army, I'll likely never again be a major business magnate. I may someday wish to resume a quest for another media medal but with the way things have changed, and Canada's small population base, that seems unlikely. Politics though, I can do.

I have a track record, you won't see me become a policy expert like Chochi or a critic like... well we have a few right now. My main interest is maximizing funding to military units as it is really the only game in town.

My promise is one of consistency. Over 700 days worked says I can back that up. 1,000 days, with your help, can see me break a Canadian record.

Help me break that record!